Writing an SBT Plugin to send Slack Messages

01 Aug 2018


sbt is the most popular build tool for Scala; however, there are other options if you are interested 1. If you are not familiar with build tools, see the footnotes 2. If you are familiar with maven, but not sbt, there are some big differences 3

In this post, I discuss the process of writing an sbt plugin from scratch. sbt uses a fancy Scala DSL for configuration. I was definitely turned off at first, and I had trouble figuring out how things worked, until I read sbt in Action.

We will write a plugin to send a message to Slack. This may be useful to notify a room when there is a new version of a library published, or when a task fails.

Hello World

First, we will start with the hello world of sbt tasks with the following requirements:

  1. We want to have a new task called slackNotify.
  2. When we invoke the task, we want it to print “Hello World”
  3. It need not return anything.

We will start off with a blank directory to contain our project. In this directory, we create a file build.sbt, containing the following.

// define a task key which is used to invoke the task we will write
val slackNotify = taskKey[Unit]("Sends a message to slack")

// binds the task key to a method invocation
slackNotify := {
  println("Hello world")

Sending to Slack

Running sbt slackNotify from a command prompt will print Hello World. Instead of doing this, we want to send a message to slack. We will use an “Incoming WebHook” to do this. This is a URL which we can POST messages to in order to send a Slack message. The process of setting up Incoming WebHooks is described in their help documentation.

A WebHook looks something like https://hooks.slack.com/services/T00000000/B00000000/XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX. In order to submit a POST request, we can create a sendMessage method like this (and add it to build.sbt):

def sendMessage(hookUrl: String, msg: String): Unit = {
  import java.io.DataOutputStream
  import java.net.URL
  import java.net.HttpURLConnection
  import scala.util.Try

  // TODO: We should escape some message
  // characters to handle this properly
  val postData = s"""{"text": "$msg"}""".getBytes
  val conn = new URL(hookUrl).openConnection() .asInstanceOf[HttpURLConnection]
  conn.setDoOutput( true )
  conn.setInstanceFollowRedirects( false )
  conn.setRequestMethod( "POST" )
  conn.setRequestProperty( "Content-Type", "application/json")
  conn.setRequestProperty( "charset", "utf-8")
  conn.setRequestProperty( "Content-Length", postData.length.toString)
  conn.setUseCaches( false )

  val wr = new DataOutputStream( conn.getOutputStream )
  Try { wr.write(postData) }

This will send a message to the Slack room configured in the WebHook. Next, we need to hook this up to our slackNotify task:

// binds the task key to a
// method invocation
slackNotify := {
  sendMessage("Hello world")

That works, but it’s not that useful since we have to hardcode the message. Let’s make the message an sbt setting.

// define a setting key that will store the message we want to
// send to Slack
val slackMessage = settingKey[String]("The message to send")

// Set the Slack message setting value
slackMessage := "Hello world"

// binds the task key to a method invocation
slackNotify := {
  // Whenever we want to use a setting inside another setting or task,
  // we need to use `.value`. This is a macro which allows the future
  // value of `slackMessage` to be used.

This is a ltitle better now, but we’ll change the message to something more useful.

// Set the Slack message setting value
slackMessage := s"Published new release ${version.value}"

We can use this whenever we publish a package.

Creating a Plugin

This is handy for a single project, but now we will create a plugin that can be used by other projects. First, we create a new project with the following build.sbt:

sbtPlugin := true

name := "sbt-slack-notify"

version := "0.0"

organization := "myorg"

Next, in src/main/scala/SlackNotify.scala, we define a companion object SlackNotifyPlugin that extends from AutoPlugin. This allows sbt to automatically import the settings that we will define (rather than having the user manually import them in the build.sbt file).

object SlackNotifyPlugin extends AutoPlugin {
  // this object can be named anything, as long as we import them into
  // the current scope below.
  object autoImport {
    val slackNotify = taskKey[Unit]( "Sends a message to slack")
    val slackMessage = settingKey[String]( "The message to send")
    val slackHookUrl = settingKey[String]( "The hook url")

    lazy val baseSlackNotifySettings: Seq[Setting[_]] =
        slackMessage := "",
        slackHookUrl := "",
        slackNotify := {
          sendMessage( slackHookUrl.value, slackMessage.value)

  // import all the keys we defined
  import autoImport._

  // This plugin requires the JvmPlugin
  override def requires = sbt.plugins.JvmPlugin

  // this plugin must be specifically enabled
  override def trigger = allRequirements

  // a group of settings that are automatically added to projects.
  override val projectSettings = baseSlackNotifySettings

  // this is the method we defined before that sends to Slack
  protected def sendMessage( hookUrl: String, msg: String): Unit = ???

At this point, you could package the plugin and use it in another project by adding it to that project’s project/plugins.sbt file, like:

addSbtPlugin("myorg" % "sbt-slack-notify" % "LATEST_VERSION")
resolvers ++= Seq(
  "My Resolver" at "https://maven.myorg.example.com/snapshots"


Our plugin is fairly straightforward, but testing it would be fairly onerous, since we would need to package it, then possibly bump the version in a project, and test it manually. Rather than do that, we will create an automated test using the scripted test framework.

We’ll follow the instructions on that page to first add the scripted-plugin dependency to project/scripted.sbt:

libraryDependencies += { "org.scala-sbt" % "scripted-plugin" % sbtVersion.value }

and add the following to build.sbt:

scriptedLaunchOpts := { scriptedLaunchOpts.value ++
  Seq("-Xmx1024M", "-XX:MaxPermSize=256M", "-Dplugin.version=" + version.value)
scriptedBufferLog := false

Then we’ll setup a sample project (that will use the plugin) in src/sbt-test/sbt-notify/simple. Finally, we’ll include a test script in that directory:

# call the plugin
> slackNotify

Finally, we can run the command scripted in our plugin project to run the test.


In order for others to use our plugin, we can publish it to a maven repository. One such repository is Sonatype, which makes the Nexus repository software.

The process of signing up and publishing to Sonatype is described in the sbt docs. It’s basically as follows:

  • Signup for Sonatype
  • Setup your project to use pgp and sonatype
  • Publish a signed version of your artifact
  • Promote the release from staging

There are a few nuances to the way I did things that I will describe. Firstly, I use Keybase for key management. So, I want it to manage my PGP keys.

After setting up Keybase, you can create a new PGP key:

keybase pgp gen

In order for us to use sbt-pgp, we should install gpg locally.

brew install gnupg

And make sure to enable using gpg rather than Bouncy castyle by adding useGpg := true to your build.sbt file.

Finally, we copy our pgp key to our local gpg databse:

keybase pgp export -s | gpg --allow-secret-key-import --import -

Although I used the sbt-pgp plugin described in the sbt documentation, version 1.1.1 didn’t work for me. I used an older version 1.1.0. When I was using the newer version, I kept on getting error messages such as

[error] gpg: key 0000000: secret key without public key - skipped
[error] gpg: no default secret key: secret key not available
[error] gpg: signing failed: secret key not available

Once this was setup, I was able to run the following to stage my signed artifact, and then release the artifact. My artifact appeared in Maven Central less than a day afterwards.

sbt publishSigned sonatypeRelease


In this article, we built an sbt plugin to send a Slack message. We learned how to test sbt plugins. We also pushed artifacts to Sonatype for public consumption.

I’ve published this plugin on GitHub https://github.com/jamiely/sbt-slack-notify.

If you happen to want to use this plugin, you can do so by adding the plugin to your project/plugins.sbt file:

addSbtPlugin("ly.jamie" % "sbt-slack-notify" % "0.3.1")

resolvers ++= Seq(Resolver.sonatypeRepo("releases"))

and then specifying some settings in your build.sbt:

lazy val root = (project in file(".")).
    slackMessage := {
      s"Just pushed version ${version.value}"
    slackRoom := "#someroom",
    slackHookUrl := "http://slackhookurl" // or something like System.getenv("SBTSLACKNOTIFY_SLACKHOOKURL")

2: For those not familiar with build tools, they may provide one or a number of these capabilities:

  • Dependency management
    • Retrieving dependencies (and sub dependencies)
    • Keeping track of which dependencies are used
  • Building
    • Can compile code
    • May manage language versions
  • Packaging
    • Packages code into reusable library
    • Deploys package to some repository for consumption
  • Pluggable architecture
    • Plugins can be easily created to add new features

In some ecosystems, these features are separated out into various tools. In others, they are combined into one. Often there are multiple viable options. In the Ruby ecosystem for example, there are separate tools:

  • gem - A package format for libraries, and a way to retrieve and track dependencies.
  • bundler - A way to manage gems at a project-level.
  • rake - A make-like tool to specify build tasks and their dependencies

These all work together to provide the features above. In python, there is

  • easy_install - Installs packages using a format called egg
  • pip - The preferred way to install Python packages
  • virtualenv - Provides isolated python environments, so you can run a specific version of python with a specific set of packages per project.

In JavaScript, there is: npm, grunt, gulp, and webpack, among others. In Java, there is: ant, gradle, and maven, among others.

3: For those who haven’t used sbt but have used mvn (Maven), there are two notable differences:

  1. sbt’s configuration language is Scala rather than XML.
  2. sbt has an interactive shell.

Here are some common commands you can use with sbt:

  • reload - Reload the sbt configuration file (usually build.sbt).
  • update - Pulls the most recent versions of the dependencies. This is useful for wildcard and SNAPSHOT dependencies.
  • compile - Compiles the code
  • test - Runs the tests
  • publish - Pushes code artifacts like the .jar file to a repository.
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